Privacy Policy

By submitting your personal information through this website, you thereby give your consent to the handling of your personal data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

Our Commitment to You...

eDC(e-Enabling Data Center), with its headquarters registered at 9F, No.6, Section 4, Hsin Yi Road, Taipei City,106, Taiwan, R.O.C. respect the privacy of our customers and online visitors. This Privacy Policy is to inform you of our online information practices, our practices concerning the collection, storage, processing, transfer and use of personal information, and the choices available regarding the collection and use of your personal information via this website.

What We Collect and How We Collect It

For each visitor browsing this website, our web server automatically recognizes and stores the visitor''s IP address (i.e., the internet protocol address of the visitor''s computer) to determine which areas of our website are being visited and how long each visitor spends there. This information helps us understand visitors'' traffic patterns through our website so that we can enhance the overall usability of our websites. Your computer provides this information automatically each time you visit our website, unless you have activated blocking technology available in some browsers

While we do not generally require that you provide us with individually identifiable information in order to visit and use our website, at times we may ask you to provide us with personal information which is associated with individually identifiable information, such as your e-mail address, name, mailing address, telephone number, credit card number, demographic information, or persistent identifier (such as user name and password), to enable you to make a purchase, register a product, receive support, correspond with us, participate in an on-line survey, subscribe to a mailing list or newsletter, or register for special purchase discounts. The submission of your personal information is voluntary; however, if you choose not to provide it for those activities, you may not be able to participate in them.

We do not collect or use the personal information which you submit for any unrelated purposes, other than where obligated or permitted by local laws to do so without informing you in advance.

We do not require you to provide sensitive personal information (such as information about your health, political or religious beliefs, criminal offences alleged or committed or sexual orientation), and request that you do not provide us with such information. Any such information you do voluntarily provide to us will be used only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Like many websites today, we may employ a standard technology called cookies to collect information about how you use our website in order to provide you with a better experience by measuring which areas of our website are of greatest interest to you or to remember you when you return to visit us. We have no desire or intent to infringe on your privacy while visiting our website. Most browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You can choose to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the choice of rejecting or accepting the cookie.

Cookies may also be used by third party ad-serving companies when they place ads on our website and control which ads are shown. These ad-serving companies may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information from you. Advertisers use this information to target the ads and measure their impact.

What We Do with Personal Information

The personal information you provide may be used to support your customer relationship with eDC. We want to use this data to tailor your experience at our website and with us generally. Unless you instruct us otherwise, we will send you information about our various product upgrades, special offers and other new products and services from eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)that we feel may be of interest to you

eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)will not share your personal information with any outside organization for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent. Your information may be shared with eDC''s agents or contractors for the purpose of providing services, processing transactions or performing statistical analysis for an eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)company. For example, if we need to ship something to you, we must share your name and address with a shipping company. We only provide third party agents or contractors with the minimum amount of information needed to complete the requested service or transaction. Your information may also be disclosed to third parties where we are legally required or entitled to do so, e.g., in response to a request from a government or regulatory authority or in connection with potential legal proceedings. eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)is not responsible for the actions of any government or regulatory authority with respect to your information or data.

If we merge with, or any part of the eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)group is acquired by, another business (or enter into discussions concerning the same) we may share your information with such a business and its advisers; however, if we do so, we will ensure steps are taken so that your rights in relation to your information continue to be protected.

Visitors from Taiwan

If you are a visitor from Taiwan, we hereby draw your attention to the following in accordance with the relevant law and regulations of Taiwan:

We will maintain and, when necessary, use your personal data from the time when you provide it to us through any means until you request us to delete it. The geographical scope of our use of your personal data is limited to Taiwan, the jurisdiction in which you locate and the place where eDC''s subsidiary operates only.

You may exercise the following rights with respect to your personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law:

Visitors from Taiwan

If you are a visitor from Taiwan, we hereby draw your attention to the following in accordance with the relevant law and regulations of Taiwan:

We will maintain and, when necessary, use your personal data from the time when you provide it to us through any means until you request us to delete it. The geographical scope of our use of your personal data is limited to Taiwan, the jurisdiction in which you locate and the place where eDC''s subsidiary operates only.

You may exercise the following rights with respect to your personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law:

  • any inquiry and request for a review of the personal information (fees apply depending on each individual case);

  • any request to make duplications of the personal information (fees apply depending on each individual case);

  • any request to supplement or correct the personal information;

  • any request to discontinue collection, processing or use of personal information; and

  • any request to delete the personal information.

If the data which you provide contains the personal data of any third party, you confirm that such third party has knowledge of the rights under this Privacy Policy, and guarantee that you have obtained the consent of such third party and authorize us to use the personal data of such third party in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you decline to provide, or request us to cease using, processing and using, or request us to delete, your personal data, we will be unable to contact you for the relevant matters regarding our services, keep a record for future inquiry, provide you with the latest information of the our services or conduct customer review, and we may not continue our services and shall not be responsible for any losses arising therefrom.

In the event that the personal data which you provide to us is insufficient to confirm the authenticity of your identity, or that it is the result of any false identity or identity theft or is unreal, we are entitled to terminate our services to you. We apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result thereof, if any.

Inquiries or Questions - Your Rights

If you have questions or concerns about eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)policies and practices for handling personal information received through this website, please contact eDC Services.

In connection with the processing of your personal data please also be aware that:

  1. You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is processed

  2. You have the right to be informed of:

    1. the source of your personal data;

    2. the purposes and methods of the processing;

    3. the data custodian''s identity;

    4. the third-party entities or categories of entities to whom or which the personal data may be communicated.

  3. You have the right to obtain:

    1. updating, rectification or integration of your data;

    2. erasure, anonymization or blocking of your data if processed unlawfully.

  4. You have the right to object, in whole or in part,

    1. legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal data, even though the data is relevant to the purpose of the collection;

    2. the processing of your personal data, where it is made for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling, or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys

Linked Websites

Other websites which are linked to/from our website may have different policies. eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)does not share any personal information collected with those websites and is not responsible for any information or content of such websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies posted on those websites for details. eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)does not warrant or support any information or policies given on any website that is not controlled by eDC.

Security Measures

We protect the personal information which you share with us. At eDC, access to your personal information is limited to people who need it to do their work. In addition, it is our policy to maintain the integrity of any personal information within our possession. To prevent security breaches, eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)uses lots of security techniques, such as SET or industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption for transmission of credit card information or wherever personal information is required on all web pages, to protect any personal information from unauthorized access by users. However, we cannot and do not guarantee security on the internet.

How to Opt-Out of Our Use of Your Personal Information

You may, at any time, opt-out of our use of your personal information by contacting eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)(see below). We will remove your personal information from our database(s) as soon as reasonably possible.

Use and Disclosure of Anonymous Aggregated Information

eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)may also collect, aggregate and maintain anonymous information about our customers and the online visitors to our website, such as visitors'' hobbies, interests, purchasing habits and the like. This data can then be used to tailor our content and advertising to deliver a better experience for our visitors. In addition, eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)may also share such aggregate information about our visitors with advertisers, business partners, sponsors and other third parties, e.g., to inform them of the percentage of male/female visitors or percentage of visitors within a particular age range.

Policy Governs Use; Changes to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy shall be written in various languages. In the event of any inconsistency in this Privacy Policy between the English version and any other version, the English version shall prevail. The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of any information collected while it is in place. eDC(e-Enabling Data Center)reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and we therefore encourage you to check back on our website from time to time. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective at the time when they are posted to our website. This Privacy Policy was last updated in December 2012.


For any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or website, please contact us at eDC services. In order to allow us to provide you with faster service, please submit inquiries in English if possible and advise us of the country you are contacting us from along with a description of the make and model of your products (if applicable).